Jean-Pierre aka DarkCoderSc and Fred De Vries Develop and Release the second version of Another great security tool named "Mirage Anti-Bot 2.0". Zeus and SpyEye were the two main families of botnet software. These types of malware are spread mainly through drive-by downloads and phishing schemes.
They are so-called Trojan horses which are designed to steal credentials from various online services like social networks (such as Facebook, Hi5, Yahoo, Netlog), online banking accounts (phising), ftp-accounts, email-accounts and other. They are part of botnets that are estimated to include millions of compromized computers.
Changelog :[+] Installer
[+] New GUI, More pro
[+] Start with Windows
[+] Protect you against Palevo, TDL3, Rogues, C&C etc..
[+] Protect you against spyeye botnet
[+] Confirm on quit
[+] Limit exceed bug fixed, now it grabs data locally using SSL
[+] Proxy authentification added
Download Mirage Anti-Bot 2.0
Because your antivirus program is not always giving you enough protection against these types of malware, so Experts at create this program for you, that can be used as an extra layer of security. Mirage Anti-Bot will be downloading and installing one or more blocklists from, a reputable Swiss-based anti-malware website. This effectively stops your computer from reaching infected sites, thus minimizing the risk to be infected with this extremely dangerous type of malware.
Changelog :
[+] New GUI, More pro
[+] Start with Windows
[+] Protect you against Palevo, TDL3, Rogues, C&C etc..
[+] Protect you against spyeye botnet
[+] Confirm on quit
[+] Limit exceed bug fixed, now it grabs data locally using SSL
[+] Proxy authentification added
Download Mirage Anti-Bot 2.0