Google Play or the then called Android Market does not give a method to Download Android Apps APK file to your PC. You may need this for Backup purposes or if your Android Phone does not have an Internet Connection.
Though you can backup APK files from your phone using Titanium Backup (Root)/ES File Manager/Astro File Manager/MyBackup still you might need to have APK on your PC for various purposes and its tedious to download the app on your Android then transfer it to your PC. So this tutorial will show you how to download android app apk from android market or google play to your PC.
I will divide this Tutorial into 3 Parts so that its easy to follow.
PART I : Setup Google Chrome to Disable SSL Error Warnings.
Step 1. Make two Shortcuts of Google Chrome on your Desktop.
Step 2. Right click one of them > Properties.
Step 3. Make sure you are on the ‘Shortcut’ Tab. Then infront of chrome.exe in Target box, Paste the following:
<Space Here>–ignore-certificate-errors
So it looks the following “C:\Users\YOUR-USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –ignore-certificate-errors”
Step 4. Press OK.
Step 5. Open the New Edited Shortcut > Open this [
LINK] in the browser > Install the Extension.
PART II : Enter E-Mail ID – Password and Device ID.
Step 1. To get your Device ID, Open your Android’s Dial Pad.
Step 2. Type in the following number in the Dial Pad : *#*#8255#*#*
Step 3. It must open up GTalk Service Monitor, Scroll down until you see your E-Mail Address. You will find lines starting with JID and Device ID. Your email is JID, and your device id is a string that after android- prefix.
Example : If it shows android-123456789 , then your device ID is 123456789
Step 4. Enter your E-Mail ID,Password and Device ID in the APK Downloader Options Page (Chrome > Tools > Extensions > APK Downloader > Options).
Step 5. Press Login, Choose your Country and SIM Operator from the drop down then click on Save Settings.
PART III : Downloading APK files from Android Market or Google Play.
To download any Application’s APK from Android Market or Google Play, Go to the Install page of the App (i.e the page where it gives you the Install Button) then Look for the APK Download Button in the Address Bar of your Google Chrome, Hit it and your Download should start automatically.
Here you can see how the Angry Birds Space APK file is being downloaded to PC from Google Play (Android Market).
Hope you liked this Tutorial to download android apps apk to your PC from android market or google play.