

Sunday, March 4, 2012

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Check Whether Your USB Fake or Real From Colombo Zone

Identify Fake USB/Pendrives

This is an old trick, but unaware by many. You must be having a USB Drive or Memory card. If yes, then you must know the facts of your USB and also you should be able to answer the following questions confidently....
Is your USB is Genuine or Fake?
Is your USB really manufactured by the Brand name mentioned on it?
Is the actual capacity/memory of your USB is same as it claims?
Fake USB

If you are confused in answering any of the above questions then you should keep reading and must know about the facts of USB Drives.

These days marketing of fake things has become very common. Well, to prevent these fraud acts is very difficult, but we can do one thing, by not supporting those fakers who takes good amount of our innocence and sell us a cheap fraud product.
First of all what’s FAKE USB?

- Fake USB are USB's those looks like the real USB flash drive, but claims higher capacities than they actually have.When you plug them into a computer, they reports to the operating system wrong information about USB size then they have the same capacity they were sold as. For example – You buy USB flash drive 16Gb or 32GB or more, but real capacity is 8Gb or 4Gb or less.
Fake USB

- The another act of Fake/Pirated USB is the data reading and writing speed they have.In general A genuine USB flash drive will complete data transfer of a single 1GB file anywhere from 50 to 180 seconds writing to. Usually the writing time is twice as long as the reading time and fake will take an excessively long time (1 to 7 hours) only 'pretending' writing but the data was not actually being written. Hence when you try to read it back, it will claim data as being CORRUPT.

Follow these steps:
1. Download software h2testw, and extract the folder.
2. Before using the software, first do empty your USB drive, so that the correct information as be gained.
3. Now run the h2testw.exe and select target drive(suppose your USB drive have G: drive then select it.)
4. Now check the actual space of your USB in 'Data volume and now for checking the read/write speed of your USB, press the Write+Verify Button.
Fake USB Tester

Here is a sample list of picture collection of all notorious counterfeit USB drives with fake 1GB to 8GB capacities. Hope this helps everyone to identify and avoid buying them!

If you have similar experiences share it with a comment :)


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