

Thursday, April 12, 2012

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Youtube 3D Videos now Available for Viewers

Youtube is the biggest online video sharing website. Users share their videos on YouTube and from YouTube to the social networking websites such as Facebook, twitter etc. Last year YouTube introduced a new 3D conversion beta feature for the video creators only. Using this feature a video creator can easily convert a video to 3D format.'
With the introduction of this feature million of people created their videos in 3D. Now this feature is available for users also, they can now convert certain 1080p videos into 3D whenever they want. This 3D feature allows you to view videos in 3D. 

All you need to watch 3D videos is, special 3D glasses and a compatible 3D video, and you are good to go.  If you have both of these things, go to the video and click on the 3D button next to the gear icon. As soon as you click on this button, your video will get automatically converted into 3D format.
In some sense it is a great step taken by the website but in reality you will be unable to find many videos on YouTube which will support the 3D feature. Even many 1080p videos don’t include the 3D option. However the site is still trying its level best to get many videos available for easy viewing.
Till then we are providing you a link of a 3D video to inspect this feature. Wear your glasses and click on the video link below. If you try to view it with naked eyes, you won’t be able to bear it for much time. So go ahead and enjoy.


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