Social media accessed via mobile became a hot spot for malware attacks in Q1, according to web and mobile security firm AVG.
Unsurprisingly hackers focused their viral assault on Android, encouraged by the open nature of the platform and the huge number of variations implemented by different OEMs and operators.
Android has been plagued by malware scares recently, causing Google to remove over 100 contagious apps from Google Play.
Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CTO, AVG, said: “Cyber criminals are finding it very convenient to distribute their malware straight to a mobile device via these networks. The growth of the Android platform has been phenomenal, which has not gone unnoticed with cyber criminals who have discovered it to be a lucrative target for their malware.”
Twitter has over 140 million users and Facebook has over 900 million, and hackers are targeting the networks because of the opportunity to access the vast amount of data and data stored on them.
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