

Thursday, May 17, 2012

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How much is your data worth to Facebook? From ColomboZone

Online privacy company Abine has developed a simple tool that quickly measures how much your data is worth to Facebook. I bet you want to try it out. Give it a whirl here: Val-You Calculator.
I first saw the tool mentioned in a recent article by my colleague Violet Blue: Flashmob privacy protests target Facebook tomorrow: New York, San Francisco. Abine is clearly very interested in raising awareness about its services by getting users up in arms about Facebook privacy.
So, how does it work? The calculator asks you seven questions:
  1. Where do you live?
  2. How many Facebook firends do you have?
  3. How do you use Facebook Libe buttons?
  4. How many photos do you post on Facebook?
  5. Do you have a farm, a gang, or play Words With Friends?
  6. How much money do you make?
  7. How long do you think you’ll be using Facebook?
Then, it calculates how much your data is worth to Facebook based on a range from $2 to $91. That’s how much Facebook will make from you each year, depending on how you answered the questions.
“The Facebook Val-You calculator relies on data from the Facebook S-1 Filing, independent financial and market research analysts, data from Facebook advertisers, as well as Abine’s internal modeling and estimates,” an Abine spokesperson said in a statement. “It considers how an individual uses Facebook along with personal details in order to determine approximately how much revenue they may generate for Facebook this year.”


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