

Sunday, June 3, 2012

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Facebook Struggling to Launch its own Smartphone

In case you are not aware of this news till now, then you must not have believed the title of this post. But to your surprise, Facebook the Social networking giant is going to get its own smartphone in the market soon and this is what this post is all about.
According to some news, Facebook employees admitted that the company is hiring several Smartphone engineers from past some time now. Today, Facebook provides its own apps for almost all leading mobile companies. Recently, they launched their own mobile app store. After this success and growing mobile audience the company wants to make money by launching its own smartphones.

According to some source, the site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg is “worried that if he doesn’t create a mobile phone in the near future… Facebook will simply become an app on other mobile platforms”.
May be the company wants to enter the Smartphone market because of increasing pressure to improve the potential of mobile to make money. On behalf of Facebook a person also said that “Our mobile strategy is simple: we think every mobile device is better if it is deeply social, We’re working across the entire mobile industry; with operators, hardware manufacturers, OS providers, and application developers to bring powerful social experiences to more people around the world.”
The smartphones will enter into the market by next year till then we would like to seek your views and comments on this step taken by the organization. You can also drop a comment below to discuss “Will these smartphones be able to withstand the competition”?


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