

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

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Garmin BlueChart G2 - HEU800X 13.50 The Nordics (2012)

Garmin BlueChart G2 - HEU800X 13.50 The Nordics (2012)
Garmin BlueChart G2 - HEU800X 13.50 The Nordics (2012)  From ColomboZone | 1.39 GB
BlueChart g2 marine maps feature crisp labeling and an overall smoother presentation on your chartplotter display. In addition to the basic charts, tidal stations, currents, depth contours, IALA symbols and included fishing charts, BlueChart g2 offers improved transitioning between zoom levels and more seamless continuity across chart boundaries.

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BlueChart g2 also adds Safety Shading which allows the user to enable contour shading for all depth contours shallower than the user-defined safe depth.

The fishing charts are designed to emphasize bathymetric contours with less visual clutter on the display.

There’s also a choice of standard 2-D direct overhead or 3-D “over-the-bow” map views for easier chart reading and orientation.

    Realistic navigation features show everything from shaded depth contours and coastlines to spot soundings, navaids, port plans, wrecks, obstructions, intertidal zones, restricted areas and IALA symbols.
    Smooth display presentation includes seamless transitioning between zoom levels and more continuity across chart boundaries.
    Safety Depth settings let you select up to 5 values for specific depth contour intervals.
    Fishing charts? to help scope out bottom contours and depth soundings with less visual clutter on the display.
    Choice of standard 2-D direct overhead or 3-D “over-the-bow” map perspective for easier chart reading and orientation.
    It's compatible with HomePort™ - software that lets you use BlueChart data to conveniently plan and organize routes from your computer before your trip.



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