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Luxology Modo 601 SP1 Build 49611 With Content (WIN/MacOSX) From ColomboZone

Luxology Modo 601 SP1 Build 49611 With Content (WIN/MacOSX)
Luxology Modo 601 SP1 Build 49611 With Content (WIN/MacOSX) | 1.85 Gb

Luxology MODO - innovative software for 3D modeling, painting and rendering in a single working environment. Feature of the program is powerful but intuitive tool for designing complex geometric shapes using podrazdelnyh surfaces. Over the years the product was gradually transformed into a fully versatile package. The program's interface offers a great setting almost all the work items. Highly sought will be preinstalled in its navigational styles that best approximate the principles of interaction with the tools to the methods practiced in 3DS Max, Maya, and other similar decisions. For convenience, all the key technological transitions (drawing, animation, rendering, etc.) made in separate modules.

And now, modo is a true end-to-end solution that includes true 3D sculpting tools, animation and network rendering! More than just features, modo is a truly elegant integration of technology, raw horsepower and refined workflow.

Key features:

Polygonal Modeling and under separate surfaces
The exact design of the geometry
Two types of tools for model building: the grid and based on the graphic image
UV editing world
A powerful and flexible system of drawing for 2D and 3D
Fast rendering
Approximate and full rendering of details
Powerful animation and modeling

In modo 601 has been made many improvements in all areas, large and small. This is one of the biggest updates that have been so far.

This document contains a lot of changes.

Primitive Symmetry - primitives can be created in the mode of Symmetry. This feature is available for primitives Cube, Capsule, Cone, Cylinder, Ellipsoid, Sphere, Torus, Tube, as well as tools Curve.

Primitive Poly Type - the type of polygon primitives to create a Sphere, Ellipsoid, Capsule, Torus.

Primitive Poly Type Default - new default settings in the Preference for the type of polygon primitives in the Sphere, Ellipsoid, Capsule, and Torus.

Tube Tool By Length - a new option for tools Tube, creates segments in length.

Mesh Clean Up - team based on the popular eponymous script from Seneca, allows us to solve many problems of geometry, such as double tops, edges, polygons.

Fast Slice - Slice the new features tools for easy cutting geometry c large number of polygons.

Hold Slice - a new feature Axis Slice tool makes it easier to cut the geometry of a large number of polygons.

Arc Tool - a new tool that allows you to create different types of arches. Similar to the cake slices.)

Weight Tool - updated to work with new deformers and Falloffs.

Soft Selection Tools - new feature Falloff, which can be used in conjunction with the tools of transformation Soft Move, Soft Rotate, Soft Scale and Soft Transform

Torus Tool - updated option Ring Radius, Cross Section Height to easily create a Torus.

Slip UVs - new option added to the tools of transformation, providing the opportunity polzovatelyu when editing geometry does not modify the map of UV.

Pixar Subdivisions cards now support the weight on both edges and vertices. (Not yet realized that the function)

Vertex Map can draw and edit brushes.

Re-topology View - a new window displaying the options and tools that would make retopologiyu easier than ever.

Background Constraint (bindings background):

Point mode - a new type of binding, which allows you to tie all the vertices to the background.

Topology Pen - a new multi-purpose tool designed to speed up the process retopologiyu.

Bridge Poly Lines - line of the polygon is removed when using the Bridge to Reber.

Pen Tool - A new option that would make a three-point range - four-point, with the option to Show Numbers.

N-Gon to Quad - new command creates a four-point ranges from N-polygons.

The main
Three new-type Vertex Map - Particle Dissolve, Particle Size, and Transform Maps are designed to improve the functions of Volume.

Offset Work Plane combination of keys to the position of the mouse pointer.

SDS level of any type of Subdivision Surfaces and Catmull Clark regulated regardless of its type.

Mode PSUB Cage Mode Temporarily switch to the position PSDS SDS enabled or disabled for the selected layer Mesh Item.

Alembic format for Import and Export - sharing with other animation packages.

Falloff / Recession
Soft Selection Falloff - a new feature Falloff, which can be used in conjunction with the tools of transformation Soft Move, Soft Rotate, Soft Scale and Soft Transform.

Camera Safe Area - a new option for the camera in the viewport.

Camera Stereo Volume Display - a new feature helps and improves control when creating stereo images.

Overlay Weights - a new option viewport to see the values ??of weight maps in viewports.

Show Weight Values - New option to display the actual values ??of the weight of individual summits.

Show as Silhouette - new option for the viewport, especially for animation characters.

Shaded Custom Items - custom scene elements, such as Gear configured to display the properties of Display.

Shade Selected Replicators - replicators can be displayed as the ordinary objects of geometry, as well as because of Bounding Boxes.

Show Motion Paths - animated elements can display their movement towards the visible elements in the viewport.

Tools of the particles
Particle Cloud - a new element, which creates a cloud of particles (from top), which can be used with the new parameters of the Volume.

Particle Generator - a new generator of the particle surface, which acts as a Surface Generator, but is used more frequently garazdo.

RealFlow Particle Import - Import from an option to cache data for the visualization of new RealFlow fuktsy Volume.

Drawing Tool particles Particle Painting works with brushes modeling.

Spectral Count - the user controls the effect of dispersion in the visualizations.

Contour Edge - a new option to display the path for large distances, for example, the horizon line, or in the streets receding prospects.

Photon Map Walkthrough - rendering mode allows you to remove the jitter in animation in the caustics.

Area Light - a new option for the light Area Lights allow dlat it visible to the camera and reflections.

Sky Portals - a new type of lamp for focusing light rays when rendering interiors when using global illumination.

Clipping Plane - A new option is a visualizer for easy cutting of subject matter, and architectural visualization.

PSUB Render Level - a new option kontoliruyuschaya level of Pixar Subdivision for visualization.

MatCaps - a new type of flexible material which allows you to create an unlimited number of texture styles for the viewport, for example, when modeling, as well as visualization.

Diffuse Roughness - a new model of shading, which makes it more diffuse scattering in the material, such as bricks and stones.

Texture Replicate - a new and powerful tool for texturing large areas where you can mix lots of different textures.

Render Display - completely revised visualizer window, where the editing tools are added.

Preview Updates - Added new option to preview the visualization of specific sizes and animation.

Maximum SSS Depth - a new control simulation of solids in the tissue, such as bone in the finger when rendering option SSS.

Rounded Edges Shading - a new option in the material for a smooth, rounded bevels on the edges of the geometry.

Flow Noise - new features added to the procedural texture Noise to easily create animation organics.

Gradient - New Features Thickness and Bumpless-Incident in the parameters of the gradient in the Shader Tree.

Hair Shader - new material allows you to create realistic hair and fur.

Skin Shader - new material allows you to create realistic human skin.

Cel Shaders - Cel Edges and Cel Material two materials is not to create photorealistic images, suitable for texturing in animation.

Halftone Shader - Material creation for photorealistic renderings are not, suitable for simulations of USABLE FLOOR SPACE printed illustrations afortov.

New Render Outputs - Object Coordinates, World Coordinates, Shaded AA Samples, Shading Incidence.

Volumes / volume
Render Booleans-new type of element that allows users to make an incision in the animated representation of complex mechanisms, such as the engine section, as well as the ability to edit the section through the material.

Sprites - fast rendering Sprites / Cpraytov that can be used to simulate a number of effects such as volume, paprimer falling snow.

Blobs - like drops, which can be giperteksturirovanny and animation, to produce an infinite variety of interesting shapes.

Volume Items - makes it easy to visualize realistic phenomena such as clouds, smoke, vapor, dust.

Particle Painting Tools - provides control over the placement Replicator with Particle Paint, as well as to create a Volume Item.

Particle Cloud and Particle Generator - new types of elements provides additional opportunities for the Replicators, and Volume Items.

Particle Xform VMaps - the ability to control Replicators based Tops, you can now select vertices and transformations.

Import of RealFlow Cache data - simulation of complex particles generated in RealFlow, while in modo can be used for particles from RealFlow: Blobs, or whatever.

Render Passes
Render Passes - an important function of rendering, which allows multiple visualizations to do automatically.

Deformation and IK / IK, and deformations.
Skeleton Tool - the creation of bones are fairly simple task, automatically creates a hierarchy.

Bind - to create a bunch of Joints in the geometry can be completed in record time with the option maschnoy Bind; creates Deformers and Weights in the same breath.

Setup action state - the new regime defines the rest position to bind the Binding of the joints and IK.

Pose Tool - no need to create a better IK animation, just grab the Pose and set position.

Full Body IK - Joints and Skeletons are very comfortable and easy to ispolzvanii in modo with a powerful Full Body IK.

Animated Deformers - added lots of great modifikatorova, because the animation is not just a character animation.

Deformer Falloffs - provides additional control over the deformer provides many new features for animation.

Replicator time offset - the legions of animated Replicator-s will work in unison with the control prametrami time offset.

Local Transform Morph - new option allows users to adjust the shape of the geometry of a local posredsvom Morph-s.

Weight Container - Abstract rig weighting away from the geometry for more powerful and flexible rigging options.

Normalization - Multiple Weights are now averaged and normalized using the Normalization folder in the Deformers View.

Advanced Weighting Tools - using standard drawing tools, users can easily edit the map in the weight any of the viewports.

Dynamics / Dynamics
Recoil 2.0 - recoil is fully integrated into the program modo with the addition of new forces for hard and soft bodies.
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