

Saturday, June 30, 2012

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Multiboot 2k10 DVD / USB / HDD v.2.5.4 (Acronis & Paragon & Hiren's & WinPE) From ColomboZone

Multiboot 2k10 DVD / USB / HDD v.2.5.4 (Acronis & Paragon & Hiren's & WinPE)
Multiboot 2k10 DVD / USB / HDD v.2.5.4 (Acronis & Paragon & Hiren's & WinPE) | 2.71 GB
Multiboot disk system administrator based on the loaders IsoLinux / SysLinux v.3.86 and Grub4Dos v.0.4.5c. The disc consists of a large number of products, unification of the shell, to boot vozmozhnostyu c CD / DVD, USB Flash Drive, USB-HDD and conventional HDD. The main purpose - to prepare HDD, OS installation (with Notch install Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 - Utilities WinNtSetup / WinInstall (GUI), the installation package in the assembly are not included!), Creation / deployment of system images, restore / copy data , resuscitation and restoration of the operating system boot, the OS clean of viruses / trojans and blockers / pornobannerov, testing the basic components of MS, and more.

There is a support network (RusLive / Win7Live x86 / WinSeven x64 / PartedMagic) vozmozhnostyu to connect to the Internet, and multimedia support (only RusLive and PartedMagic). There Notch use most of the programs of the assembly as a "portable" (fully portable, they are not, it's just self-extracting in the TEMP directory-marketing autoenrollment), and convenient way to connect a software package assembly for use in a conventional operating system or other PE builds.

The composition of the boot menu:
01. USB-driver PLOP v.5.0.11
02. SV-Micro-PE (@ SV2004) Plus Pack 2k10
03. RusLive (@ NIKZZZZ) Special Edition 2k10
04. Win7Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
05. WinSeven x64 (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
06. Parted Magic 2012.06.26 / Linux Live-CD /
07. DOS-version of Hiren's Boot CD 15.1 (rus)
08. Linux-version software: Acronis DDS v.10.2288 (eng), Acronis DDH v.11.0.2343up2 (rus), Acronis TIEES v.9.7.8398 (rus), Acronis TIH Plus Pack 2012 v.15.0.7119, Acronis B & RW v .11.0.17438 (rus), Acronis Snap Deploy 4.0.268 (rus), Easeus PM Professional v.9.1.1 (eng), Paragon HDM 12 v. (eng), Paragon HE 2009 v. (rus), R-Studio Emergency Network v.5.4.506 (eng), R-Drive Image v.4.7.4737 (eng)
09. A large set of different DOS-utilities, and much more ... see the boot menu in the screenshots (Gif-animation).


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