

Saturday, June 23, 2012

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Multiboot Flash Gnom26rus Edition 2.6t From ColomboZone

Multiboot Flash Gnom26rus Edition 2.6t
Multiboot Flash Gnom26rus Edition 2.6t | 2.55 GB

System requirements may be increased due to the use of modules. If you use the copy2ram, then the memory should be as much or more than is the module. 

Multiboot USB flash drive designed for the diagnosis of iron, with hard drives and remove viruses, banners, etc.
In the assembly of three programs to remove the banners. One is known to all AntiWinLocker LiveCD that runs from the Minixp.Vtoraya Antisms.

The third module is the Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10, which runs through the terminal.
To activate a terminal should dial windowsulnocker.
How to upgrade from version 2.5:

The first way:
Format the flash drive and extract the archive.
The second way:
Run the pre-Update.exe, wait until the end delete the old files and extract archive files are replaced sure.

The list of what's inside and a brief description of work done for v2.6t:
General changes:
Fixed minor errors and omissions, updated versions of programs.

Changes in the main part:
AntiSMS 2.4 is now a part of the program HBCD

Changes in modules:
Module Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10.0 Bases updated on 06/21/2012
Changes to the program:
updated database on the bases AVZ 06/21/2012
can remove all data from the flash
Actually because of the software version of the test.
Posted krd_cleaner to automate removing unnecessary files and logs all KRD.
Added pre-Update.exe
Please write me in PM what the program has removed all of the stick when it happened.
The list of what's inside and a brief description of work done for v2.5:

General changes:
Version 2.5 was created from scratch and no overall change to previous versions do not.
Renumbered versions before version is now attributed to the figure and it shows how many times to change the program included in the main part of the assembly. If you add / remove programs from the main part of this figure indicates how many times it was done.
Changes in the main part:
Added AntiSMS 1.9.5 with modified wallpaper.
HBCD is now version 15.1, but in English.
Changes in modules:
Added Eset live cd database from 5/25/12
Module Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10.0 Bases updated on 28/05/12

Changes to the program:
AVZ 4.39 c bases on 05/28/12
CCleaner to v3.18.1707

Other programs
Running programs from the root of the stick HBCD
WContig to defragment the files on a flash drive.
Scripts cmd, converted into a program using bat2exe to remove modules. About how to remove it is written in response to questions

If you are not the first bootable flash drive is skipping the bottom three points,
If this is the first bootable flash drive, then you need to do:
1) otfarmotirovat stick \ UTILITES \ HP_USB_Disk_Storage_FormatTool_2.2.3.exe
2) install the boot loader using the \ UTILITES \ Grub4DOS.exe
Both programs intuitive interface and installing Ctl key problems should not be.
3) delete all content from the flash (if any)

Well we now have a bootable flash drive. Extract \ FLASH \ Multiboot_flash_gnom26rus_edition.exe the stick, reboot and enjoy.
PS For any questions about replacing the answer yes.
Instructions for the modules:
To install the modules you need:
extract the archive to the root of the stick
if you have a file to-menu.txt, its contents must be copied to the menu.lst file on a flash drive (it is at the root of the stick)
All the module is installed you can rejoice.
Modules can also be used in other assemblies, but there may be conflicts. If you come up with a dialog box asking for the replacement, then the assembly is already something like that and not be replaced.

The answers to these questions:
How can I help the author build?
Just write about what you would like to see in the assembly. If you have an older version of the program and you would like to update them, but you do not know how to do this, simply write their names.
Want to see the live system, write its name and why it should be added (stable operation, speed, indispensable and so on).

How do I remove modules?
To remove a module, copy the file uinstall_IMYa | MODULYa.exe in the root of the stick and run it.
Then remove the module information from Menu.lst.

How long will the frequent updates of the assembly?
all will be up to 7 versions of the assembly. Once we get rid of licensing agreements and programs will work correctly most of the assembly no longer be updated. After that will be added or removed modules.

Why can not windows xp?
HBCD is in windows, it is sufficient for the tasks that had emanated from a USB flash drive

Why so little weight the main part?
The assembly is for use on most large Number of media.
And as if the flash drive will be used not only as a boot, the minimum size will be more convenient

Why not add a live antivirus?
Kaspersky enough and he has repeatedly tested. Modules can even add all the live cd, if necessary.

Can I make the CD / DVD this assembly?
Yes, but this is not worth it. Kaspersky updated unnecessarily just to stick it will cause discomfort when using it (on disk database will not be updated.)

Some antivirus programs can swear on the files from HBCD, there is no virus, it is an exact copy of the folder from the disk image.
Distribution is packed in *. Exe for the convenience of copy on a flash drive, hard drive and other storage media unnecessarily have a bunch of small (due to update anti-virus on a flash drive) files that slow down the speed of copying.



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