

Monday, July 9, 2012

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Endless Space Update v 1.05-REVOLT From ColomboZone

System REq:
OS: Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo Processor or Equivalent
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Disk Space: 2 Gb
Video Card: 256 MB DX9 Compliant

Update Changelog:
- Memory optimization.
- Added collisions to graphic FX to stop them from going through ships.
- Improved graphic FX for the 'Gravity Well' Battle Action.
- Hero bonuses to attack and defense will now be correctly acknowledged through displayed MP on his Fleet.
- Diplomatic balancing (harder mainly for Serious & Endless modes).

- Fixed an issue where negative effects on the AI’s diplomatic attitude were inversed, counter-balancing other parts of that AI.
- Fixed an issue where the Tolerance trait was displaying a wrong value in the system view.
- Fixed an issue where “Random faction” was displayed instead of the faction’s actual name on an invasion notification.
- Fixed an issue where the galaxy would sometimes not be visible when starting a new game.
- Fixed an issue where the user was unable to zoom out at maximum height after playing a few game sessions.
- Fixed an issue where the Horatio Affinity unlocked the Arid Epigenetics technology.
- Fixed an issue where the host remained stuck on the end turn action if a client joined in progress and left the session at the same turn.
- Fixed an issue where the title remained stuck on end turn actions after a manual combat.
- Fixed an issue where the users were not synchronized after a system was invaded and conquered during a multiplayer session.
- Fixed an issue where the round-ups on the tonnage modules were different than the ones on the total tonnage in the ship design view.
- Fixed several text issues.
- Fixed several localized text issues.


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